MW | Convergence Station | Lobby Crashpad Mural

MW | Convergence Station | Lobby Crashpad Mural

In the main lobby of Meow Wolf’s Convergence Station there is an iridescent seating area for guests to lounge during their stay at the exhibit.

As the graphic designer for this piece I responded to budget contraints while creating work that married the adjacent retail space to the larger “galactic” lobby. This work is sleek, playful, and photographs well. My personal goal is that the experience of seeing the imagery from a distance also results in a payoff when seeing the detail of the work up close.

I worked directly with the Sr. Creative Director for Convergence Station, Chadney Everett, to iterate this work in 3 rounds.

Ultimately, I feel like this piece pulls on my experience of cartoon depictions of space— from Marvin the Martian, to the Jetsons, Adventure Time, to Space Invaders, Space Jam and countless other mental flashes collected throughout my childhood and overtime.


I take pride in the experience I’ve gained as a professional designer to create files that are easily legible to vendors and to insure the original intention and design is maintained through that handoff. Part of that work executed on this project included creating the cut files for the vinyl vendor and signing off on the installation of the work onsite.

MW | Convergence Station | 'Hello Food' Wall Art

MW | Convergence Station | 'Hello Food' Wall Art

MW | Convergence Station | Haunted Windchimes

MW | Convergence Station | Haunted Windchimes