Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy

>>>> Creative Financial Literacy PDF <<<<

The experience of becoming salaried alongside several artists who also had not had the experiecnce before was illuminating.

It was obvious that many of us were used to scraping by— and for myself I knew I had no idea how to deal with money “responsibly”.

The prevailing myth is that creatives are relegated to poverty in exchange for being able express themselves. There are talents and skills that can only be fully realized if you struggle (financially especially).

I don’t believe this is necessary, or healthy, or ultimately sustainable for any individual.

While we live in a capitalist society, it’s important that people who have positive vision for our future, know how to identify problems, and can speak truth to power are able to live outside of a scarcity model.

Having enough means that financial stress is less of a concern and creative minds can put more energy into communicating their much needed work.

I share this mission with Tamara Bates, founder of The Dots Between and we have worked together to compile this simple starter pack of information for creatives who want to feel in control of their finances.

I have presented this information several times over the past couple years and am always happy and interested to hear what this resource could include to help people even more.

Part of financial justice is accessibility to financial knowledge. This is why this PDF is openly available and sharable to anyone who might need it. For further questions, see the “resources” section of the PDF or reach out to Tamara if you would like access to an individual consultation.

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MW | Omega Mart | Retro Poster

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MW | Omega Mart | Flower Shop Portal